Lujan, Collins Bill to Reauthorize Autism CARES Act Clears HELP Committee

Washington, D.C. – During a Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) markup, U.S. Senators Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) spearheaded the committee passage of bipartisan legislation to advance the reauthorization of the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support Act (Autism CARES). This bill renews federal support for research, services, and training related to autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities. Autism CARES is the main source of federal funding for autism research, services, training, and monitoring.

During the hearing, Luján said in part:

“Due to the research and increased training and awareness spurred by the Autism CARES Act, children are being diagnosed earlier and are receiving appropriate services from trained providers. Early intervention is key. But so are long term supports and services.

“I have spoken to parents and caregivers. This one hits close to home. One of my staff members, Buddy Abeyta, is the proud parent of child with Autism. Sophie was diagnosed at a young age and because her parents have fought tooth and nail for all the resources she has needed. She has worked hard and thrived through it all. But, as Sophie and other children with Autism grow up, new challenges present themselves.

“Buddy has expressed a fear that so many parents of children with autism have, what happens to my child when I am gone? This bill works to ease that fear. Not only does this bill emphasize communication and behavioral health needs, it expands research and the development of interventions and services across the lifespan…this bill directs our brightest minds to find new ways to support them. So, one day, no parent will have to worry about their children after they are gone,” said Senator Luján.

“Having co-authored the prior reauthorization of the Older Americans Act with Senator Casey, I appreciated being a member of the working group, and I recognize how important it is to update OAA programs and services, which are truly a lifeline for millions of seniors,” said Senator Collins during the hearing. “This bill represents a great bipartisan effort to better serve older Americans.”

More support for Autism CARES Act:

“We are grateful to Senators Luján and Collins for their leadership in introducing the Autism CARES Act of 2024 in the Senate,” said Keith Wargo, President and CEO of Autism Speaks. “The Autism CARES Act is the most important bill when it comes to the federal investment in autism research, training, and data efforts. Today’s progress in advancing the bill through the Senate HELP Committee and the committee’s overwhelming bipartisan vote in support marks the national significance of this historic legislation. The enhancements included in the bill will help to further advance progress in addressing the gaps in access to health care, services, and supports that too many autistic people face. We look forward to seeing the House and Senate work collaboratively to ensure Autism CARES Act is reauthorized before the September 30 deadline.”

“AUCD is pleased to see this bipartisan reauthorization passed out of the Senate HELP Committee today. AUCD thanks Senator Collins and Senator Luján for their leadership. The CARES Act has led to increased investment in research and training to address the needs of the 1 in 36 children now diagnosed with autism. The CARES Act includes critical training programs, including the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Program that trains more than 20,000 healthcare and other professionals each year in more than 25 disciplines on how best to improve the health and wellbeing of people with autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities,” John Tschida, AUCD’s Executive Director.

“Autism Society New Mexico strongly supports the senate bill to reauthorize the Autism CARES Act of 2024. We look forward to working with you to refine the language before it goes to the House of Representatives. The Autism Cares Act is the most comprehensive bill that provides research, education, services and support to people with Autism and their families,” said Christina Angel, Executive Director, Autism Society New Mexico. 



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