

Ben sees schools as centers of the community that provide wraparound services, including mental and behavioral health services, to improve student, educator and family well-being. He understands the importance of strengthening federal investments in New Mexico’s early education, K-12, and higher education institutions.

As Head Start program participant himself, Ben has made expanding early childhood education a top priority so that every child has access to quality and affordable learning.

Ben also believes Congress needs to invest in our public schools and provide well-rounded   education to English Learners, students with disabilities, Hispanic, Native American and other students. Educators and school leaders are critical to achieving these goals, and he is working to ensure a diverse, well-paid, and well-resourced teacher workforce is there to get the job done.

Ben is fighting for increased and equitable funding to support institutions of higher education to better serve their goals of educating the next generation of leaders. He also understands that college affordability and student loan debt is a major concern for new students and graduates alike and is working to provide relief to student borrowers.

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