Heinrich, Luján, Vasquez Announce Selection of Tierra Del Sol as Partner for Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects 

Selection will help Tierra Del Sol make high-impact energy efficiency improvements, lower utility costs, and support work to provide quality, affordable housing to low-income communities  

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), and U.S. Representative Gabe Vasquez (D-N.M.) announced that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has selected Tierra Del Sol Housing Corporation as one of nine nonprofits nationwide to receive the Renew America’s Nonprofits grant. The competitive award will help Tierra Del Sol make energy efficiency upgrades to lower costs and support the nonprofit’s critical work in providing access to quality, affordable housing for New Mexico communities.  

“I’m thrilled to see Tierra Del Sol chosen as one of nine nonprofits to lead the nation in creating cleaner, healthier communities through energy efficiency improvements,” said Heinrich. “This investment will help Tierra Del Sol provide New Mexicans with a safe and affordable place to call home and build a better foundation for the future. With this funding, we’re one step closer in our transition to the clean energy future that we’re leading right here in New Mexico.” 

“Tierra Del Sol plays an essential role in helping families afford housing in southern New Mexico,” said Luján. “I’m proud to welcome this investment to help Tierra Del Sol expand its services and promote clean energy. Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we are bringing clean energy to every industry in every corner of our state. This funding will help the nonprofit sector reduce energy use, which is both good for our planet and allows nonprofits to spend their money doing vital work for our communities.”   

“We must continue to support affordable housing across Southern New Mexico, and this new investment will do just that,” said Vasquez. “Tierra Del Sol is helping bring clean energy opportunities while prioritizing affordable housing for our New Mexican communities. I am proud to see these investments in my district.” 

“We are very grateful to Senator Heinrich for being a promoter and advocate for energy efficiency to low income communities,” said Rose Garcia, Executive Director of Tierra Del Sol Housing Corporation. “This would provide energy efficiency opportunities for our facility and housing, and that’s very special to New Mexico’s communities.” 

“Nonprofits promote social cohesion, public health, creativity and innovation—all of which are essential to thriving communities,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “With this funding, the Biden-Harris Administration is empowering these organizations to expand crucial services by cutting their energy costs, while bringing the nation closer to President Biden’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. We are grateful to the leadership of Senators Amy Klobuchar and John Hoeven, along with Representatives Matt Cartwright and Brian Fitzpatrick, for leading the legislative charge to give nonprofits and religious organizations access to clean energy solutions in their buildings.” 

This announcement is the latest federal investment in Tierra Del Sol’s work to provide quality, affordable housing to low-income communities in New Mexico. Last year, Heinrich successfully secured $1.6 million for Tierra Del Sol in Congressional Directed Spending through the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Omnibus Appropriations Agreement. The funding will be used by Tierra Del Sol to plan, engineer, and construct 14 new low-income homes in Columbus. 

About the Renew America’s Nonprofit Grant:  

Behind salaries, energy costs are the second-highest operational expense for nonprofits, so reducing energy use can free up a meaningful percentage of funds in both the short and long-term, leading to savings that can be redirected to mission-critical work.  

The Renew America’s Nonprofits grant is part of the $50 million Renew America’s Nonprofits Program, funded by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The grant aims to support nonprofits by reducing common barriers to implementing efficiency upgrades. DOE is using a nonprofits-supporting-nonprofits model to provide financial, technical, and administrative assistance to hundreds of projects across America. Prime Selectees will sub-award grants of up to $200,000 per facility and provide expertise in energy and project management to bring much-needed retrofit projects to fruition.  

Numerous organizations have engaged with the Renew America’s Nonprofits program – through webinars and office hours, a robust distribution list, and a Teaming Partner Listof over 2400 nonprofit organizations indicating their need for energy improvements, and their desire to work collaboratively to pursue them. Organizations from 32 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico submitted eligible applications. After extensive review of a highly competitive field, DOE identified 9 Prime Selectees who will collaborate to deliver energy improvements in over 300 facilities across America. 

The total list of selectees for the Renew America’s Nonprofit Grant include:  

  • Alaska Heat Smart, Juneau, AK Ecology Action, Santa Cruz, CA   
  • Mid America Regional Council Community Services Corporation, Kansas City, MO   
  • Medici Road, Washington, D.C.  
  • Southface Energy Institute, Atlanta, Ga.   
  • Sustainable Westchester, Mount Kisco, N.Y.   
  • Tierra Del Sol Housing Corporation, Las Cruces, N.M.   
  • University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colo.   
  • University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, Mich. 



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