Luján Applauds Initial $98 Million for Las Vegas Water Treatment Facilities Made Possible by Federal Legislation

Santa Fe, N.M. – U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), the lead sponsor of the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance Act, issued the following statement on the first installment of $98 million to repair and replace the Las Vegas water treatment facilities:

“It’s been over two years since New Mexicans were devastated by the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire and the floods that followed. Still, families and businesses are working to rebuild. I have been clear with FEMA leadership both on the ground and in Washington that every effort must be made to get relief out the door to New Mexicans without delay.

“This week, with the Las Vegas City Council’s approval, an initial $98 million in federal funding will be made available to repair and replace the water treatment facilities in Las Vegas. As part of the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance Act that I passed into law, $140 million is dedicated to this project. This is an important step to ensure that the community has safe and reliable drinking water.

“More work must still be done, and I remain focused on helping our neighbors and friends in northern New Mexico recover from these fires and floods. I will continue to press the federal government to do right by New Mexicans.”


In 2022, the New Mexico Congressional Democrats, led by Senator Luján, successfully passed the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance Act to establish the Hermit’s Peak Claim Office within FEMA and provide $3.95 billion for New Mexico families and businesses impacted by the wildfire. Additionally, Senator Luján championed and secured language to provide $140 million in direct funding for the repairs and replacement of the water treatment facility in Las Vegas to ensure the community has access to clean drinking water.

Senator Luján has pushed FEMA to end its delay in processing claims. He also led the New Mexico Congressional Delegation in introducing the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Extension Act to extend to apply for compensation.

Senator Luján’s office is also helping with casework on Hermit’s Peak Claims. Constituents can email to open casework and get an update on your claim, or to provide any feedback on the process. The Senator’s office continues to help people in the impacted communities.



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