Luján Delivers Commencement Speech at Pojoaque Valley High School

Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) returned to his alma mater, Pojoaque Valley High School, to address the Class of 2022 at their graduation ceremony.

An excerpt from the Senator’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, can be found below:

As a proud New Mexican, I was raised to believe that we are a strong, resilient people capable of meeting any challenge. And I believe you are a shining example of those values.

Look around you – at the faces of your relatives, friends, and neighbors. If there is one thing that separates you from other graduating classes across the country, it’s these faces, this community. 

I’m speaking to you as a United States Senator, who sat in those very seats you’re sitting in. And I can tell you that I am able to serve New Mexico as your Senator only because of the support of this community. 

I’d like to quote a poem called “Summer Day” by the late Mary Oliver, an award-winning poet whose work got to the meat of what it means to be human.

The poem reads, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

So, graduates, I’ll ask you the same: What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

You might not know. Your futures stretch so far into the distance, you might struggle to see where the road leads. As you sit here, with your friends and family looking on with pride, you may have no idea where you’re headed. But I can promise you this: Your wild and precious lives will be full of challenges and triumphs, setbacks and joy. In good times and bad, to your family and friends, you are precious. You are loved.

Let the love of this community be your strength, as you trek out toward the future.

Your best days are waiting for you.



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