Luján Retains Key Committee, Subcommittee Leadership Positions for 118th Congress

Washington, D.C.  – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) announced that he will continue his service on five Senate committees during the 118th Congress: the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP); the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; the Committee on Indian Affairs; and the Committee on the Budget. 

Senator Luján will also continue to serve as Chair of the Senate Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband and continue his work to bridge the digital divide. 

Last Congress, Senator Luján convened 7 hearings on digital equity, spectrum policy, broadband buildout, AI algorithms, telehealth, network resiliency, and vaccine information. During Senate negotiations that led to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Senator Luján championed protecting consumers from abuses by internet service providers, ensuring affordable access through the Affordable Connectivity Program, and increasing funding for States like New Mexico where broadband buildout is higher cost.

“I’m honored to continue serving on each of these five committees, representing New Mexico’s voice for our most critical sectors,” said Luján. “From supporting health care workers, to creating more economic opportunities, to investing in education, and advocating for our farmers and ranchers, these important committee assignments ensure that New Mexico’s needs will be central in finding policy solutions that move our country forward.”

Luján continued, “I’m also humbled to continue leading the Communications Subcommittee to ensure our country bridges the digital divide in New Mexico and across the nation, especially in rural and Tribal communities. Across all of these committees, I look forward to working alongside my Democratic and Republican colleagues to find solutions and pass common-sense legislation that will support the people of New Mexico.”


The Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband has jurisdiction over matters relating to communications, including includes telephones, cell phones, the Internet, commercial and noncommercial television, cable, satellite broadcast, satellite communications, wireline and wireless broadband, radio, consumer electronic equipment associated with such services, and public safety communications. The subcommittee is also responsible for oversight of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) at the Department of Commerce, which is the federal agency primarily responsible for the management of government spectrum and advising the President on telecommunications policy.

The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation oversees interstate commerce, transportation and safety, communications, and science and technology policy. As member of this committee, Senator Luján can support New Mexico’s growing science and tech industries, expand access to broadband in rural communities, and advocate for investing in New Mexico’s infrastructure while creating good-paying jobs. 

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, more commonly known as HELP, oversees the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, and the Department of Labor and has broad jurisdiction on matters related to child welfare, substance abuse and mental health, oral health, health care disparities, early childhood education, K-12 and higher education, student loans, federal labor and employment laws, and private retirement plans. From the HELP Committee, Senator Luján will help lead the Senate in supporting New Mexico workers, patients, teachers, students, and retirees, and ensure New Mexico is a safe and healthy place for all families and children to thrive. 

The Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry oversees America’s agriculture industry, federal nutrition programs, forestry and logging, and rural development. From this committee, Senator Luján will be able to support New Mexico’s farmers and ranchers, strengthen food programs for struggling New Mexicans, including school-aged children, protect the rights of traditional farmers and ranchers, and advocate for investments in New Mexico’s rural communities. 

The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs oversees federal programs and policies impacting federally recognized Tribes and Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native communities, including safety and justice, voting rights, education, economic development, water rights and land management, trust responsibilities, and health care. As a member of Indian Affairs, Senator Luján will be able to advocate directly for New Mexico’s 23 Tribal Nations and Pueblos.

The Senate Committee on the Budget is responsible for developing and enforcing the budget resolution, a framework for congressional action on spending, revenue, and debt-limit legislation. As a member of the Budget Committee, Senator Luján will help set the tone for government spending and ensure the voices of New Mexicans are heard in the budget process.



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