Menendez, Cortez Masto, Luján, Padilla Statement on White House Meeting Urging Administration to Act to Protect Dreamers, TPS Holders, and Hardworking Immigrant Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) and Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) released a joint statement following their meeting with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and senior administration officials at the White House. In the meeting, the Senators urged the administration to take immediate executive action to protect Dreamers, TPS holders, and hardworking immigrant families currently living in the United States. The ultimate goal is for Congress to fix our broken immigration system by providing a path to citizenship and making commonsense investments in border security, but action is needed now to help immigrant communities.

“As our nation faces multiple challenges domestically and abroad, we still have a responsibility to fix our broken immigration system. Today, we renewed our call for the Biden administration to use its existing legal authority to protect Dreamers, TPS holders, and hardworking immigrant families who have spent decades living in and contributing to our country. We engaged with the President in a productive discussion and we are glad he was receptive to our ideas to issue executive actions that would provide temporary legal status to these communities.

“While building a humane and secure immigration system continues to be our long-standing goal, the majority of Republicans in Congress have refused to work in good faith with Democrats to find solutions. We need to implement commonsense border security measures and provide protections to hardworking immigrant families. We look forward to sustaining our dialogue with the President on how to give undocumented immigrants in the United States the relief they deserve, which will fuel even greater economic growth across the nation.”


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